Shoe Game

I love many things in the world, such as food and sports. In the past few years, I have come to love another aspect of life. SHOES. In my town, the majority of kids love shoes.

For instance, usually, in school, when you walk up to someone, they examine your shoes, and see what you are wearing on your feet. There’s something called “Shoe Game”, and it’s pretty much whether or not you have a variety of expensive, cool shoes.

At some points, I feel that Shoe Game is all anyone cares about. However, there is a whole strategy with shoes. First, there is always buying. Everyone wants to get the new Kevin Durant release, or the new Air Jordan release.

However, since so many people are trying to buy them, many people in my town felt it was necessary to buy a bot. A bot is something you use to get shoes. Basically, it puts the shoes in your cart and gets them for you, the second they release.

Once you buy the shoes, you have three options. You can sell them right away (new), and make a profit. You can do this because most good shoes sell out of stores, so people have to pay more to get them, since they were too late to purchase for the retail price.

The 2nd option is to simply wear them. Show them off; add them to your collection of shoes. Option three, is what I tend to do. Wear them for a little, keep them in good shape, and then sell them.

Believe me, many people buy worn shoes in our town. And currently, I am selling a few pairs of worn shoes, in order to get a new pair of kicks, and a baseball bat that I really want.

Another aspect of shoes is knowing what’s hot, and knowing what shoes look like. So I have come to know quite a bit about shoes. Personally, I think the best shoe to buy right now is the Nike Roshe Run.

They are very lightweight, and very cheap, usually only $70 for Men’s sizes. They come in many colorways, you can customize them, and they are probably the most comfortable shoe I have ever stepped foot in.

If you are looking for a new pair of sneakers, I highly suggest the Nike Roshe Run, which can be found at Nike. However, if you want a larger selection of colorways, I would go to or